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About Me

Who am I?

I’m a retired piano teacher living in Morecambe (UK) with my wife and our dog, Max. I have also taught electronic keyboard, ‘cello, recorder and music theory.

Two grown-up children and four grandchildren keep us busy!

Almost all my life, I have played and shared music. I’ve performed in orchestras, worship bands, ensembles, and as a soloist. I’ve taught in choirs, schools, homes, and in my own studio. I’ve arranged and written music in a variety of genres.

I love music and musical instruments!  I don’t claim mastery in any instrument, but I can get a tune out of many of them. 

What do I do?

These days, I focus on co-ordinating and playing music in my church, and creating easy piano videos, ebooks, print books, downloadable sheet music, and writing about my experiences.

I share on YouTube, Amazon, Sheet Music Plus, social media and my own websites.

I sell some print books, ebooks and sheet music, but I don’t make much profit…it’s more about helping, by sharing knowledge and experience from a lifetime of musical endeavours (and enjoying doing so.) 

What’s my purpose?

My two main aims:

  1. To promote high-quality sung worship at church, enabling musicians to work together to the best of their abilities
  2. To help beginners everywhere to get started at the piano for free, by creating watch-and-copy videos that anyone can follow.

Never give up on your dream of being able to play the piano!  (Visit my tutorial website at and check out my free videos.) 

Other interests?

Usually I have too many music projects to do much else…but I enjoy crime novels, learning about new technologies, and eating out (rather too much, as evidenced by my waistline.)

What’s the church/worship thing?

I was raised (and played music) in church and became a Christian in 1983. I believe in God, trust in Jesus, but I’m not an in-your-face, Bible-bashing guy. I attend a Baptist church, but I remain somewhat cynical about how 21st century Christian churches operate.  Having been around churches all my life, I also have doubts about some things “churchy” people say and do

…so don’t write me off! You can enjoy my music whatever you believe.

NOTE: if you’ve been discouraged or even damaged by people in churches, please don’t give up on God. Ignore those people; just look at what Jesus said. It’s not complicated.

Need help? Can we talk?

I’m here to serve. Get in touch here.