FREE Piano Key Guides
Find your note names and all their staff positions – INSTANTLY!

Learning your note names? Here are some free, printable Piano Key Guides I made for you. They’re easy to fit, the note names are clear, and you have the treble clef and bass clef notes to help you, too!
What about stickers?
Please, NO!
These free Piano Key Guides are much better! Please never put stickers on the keys of your piano or keyboard. The instructions might say ‘easy to remove’ or ‘won’t leave marks’ but I have seen piano and keyboard keys seriously messed up by stickers! These Piano Key Guides are free (so why buy stickers anyway?) and they can be fitted and removed whenever you need.
How and when to use
You should only use these Piano Key Guides while you need them. They will help you get to know your note names and their positions on the page, but once you’re confident – take ’em off! They’re a scaffold to learning, but not a crutch.
My original Piano Key Guides only covered the middle two octaves, but I’ve now added the outer octaves, so now you can cover four octaves. These fit any piano or keyboard with standard sized keys.
Download, Print, Cut, and Fit
Download your free Piano Key Guides below, print them out, and cut along the dotted lines. Then simply slot them behind the keys. Thin card is more hardwearing (you could laminate them, too) but just paper works fine.
Correct positioning
Arrange your Piano Key Guides guides in order, so that the notes on the musical staff get gradually higher from left to right:

The guides have black boxes in groups of two and three. Match these up with the same groups of two and three black piano keys:

On a full-size piano, the join between the second and third guides should be roughly at the centre of all the keys:

On a 5 octave (61 key) electronic keyboard, the first guide will line up with the left end of the keys:

Print Sizes
Print at 100% for standard piano keys; other keyboards may require adjustment. For example, Yamaha keyboard keys (as shown) work well at 97%. If you can’t adjust print size, try Adobe Acrobat Reader (it’s free.)
Download Here
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